I never want to be one of those mothers who rails on and on about what she gave up for her kids (her career, say, or her 22-inch waistline). First, of all, because I think it’s not very nice to put that kind of responsibility on your children, who, let’s face it, didn’t ask to…
It’s the End of the World As We Know It…and I Feel Fine.
So, tomorrow’s my nameday. But I wouldn’t rush out and pick out my gift just yet. Because tomorrow is also, according to some, the beginning of the end of the world. So you probably won’t live to see a thank you note. If you don’t know what a nameday is, it’s the day the saint…
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Almost Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a good day to be pregnant. I would like to think that sounds poetic, like the first line of Leonard Cohen’s poem, Days of Kindness, which begins, “Greece is a good place/to look at the moon, isn’t it?” But I fear it just sounds simplistic. Yeah, mother’s day celebrates moms and…
Of Mercury and Money
One would think that money matters, being mathematical, are purely practical, as opposed to emotional or mystical. But one would be wrong. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, financial problems are the second most commonly cited reason married couples divorce (after poor communication, but ahead of infidelity). So I think that covers emotional…
Love and Lent in Pittsburgh
So, I promised you that every post would not be about pregnancy. But I did not promise that every blog would not be about pregnancy’s greatest pleasure–food. (Trust me, when booze, caffeine, effective wrinkle cream, traveling to high altitudes, and various and sundry sports including windsurfing and horseback riding are off the menu for nine…
Pregnancy–the Most Liminal Stage of Them All
I’m a walking waiting room, a human transition. I’m 20 weeks pregnant, halfway to becoming a mom. It’s beyond exciting–and a little surprising, given that I got pregnant a month after getting married, and at what doctors like to call the “advanced maternal age” of 36. Actually, I lied. It’s been more than a little…
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