I’m all for hating on holidays that make single people feel marginalized. Or any event that does for that matter. (Even as I type I can hear the voice of every lector at every wedding I’ve been to where the bride and groom have chosen the reading that starts “Two are better than one.” That…
Tell Me About the Rabbit…
This was a weekend of celebration for me. I was celebrating my mom, Joanie’s, 70th birthday (for more on her turning 70 see her blog www.arollingcrone.blogspot.com), and my Uncle Bob and Aunt Robin’s 20th anniversary. But I also joined Asians all over the world by observing Chinese New Year, mainly by stuffing my face. The…
The Most Liminal Night of Them All
It’s fitting to be launching this blog on New Year’s Eve, because it is, arguably, the most liminal night of them all, when we transition from the old year to the new. When I studied Folklore and Mythology in college, we learned that most superstitions and rituals develop around “liminal stages”, the rites of passage–birth,…